Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Grab on Tight

I've been studying history and current events as a major interest for over 20 years, basically since I was old enough to recognize that I had any major interests. If I've acquired any clarity of perspective over the years, and I think I have, then I feel I have to share this with anybody who will pay attention. That's what this blog's all about.

In short, the best stories from history, those exciting tales of past times that everybody likes to read about, the rare, colorful, eventful periods of rapid and profound change are not nearly so interesting as the times we are living through now and those that confront us just over the horizon.

My task herein is to elaborate on this assertion, to evoke and to celebrate mankind's journey through eras of great consequence, to demonstrate the profound and alike pivotal nature of our day and times, and to impress upon my readers some appreciation for the here and now, give them some sense of what to expect, and of the urgent need for making some hard choices.

If this interests you, tune in to the Times of Tyler. I will post articles I like or find important, reference and review books and authors I deem interesting or relevant, link to websites that provide resources for further enlightenment, give my take on politics, sports, and other events, share advice, make predictions, and be shamelessly opinionated. Take it or leave it, I swear it won't be boring. In fact, the road gets rough ahead. Grab on tight.